Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Men Need to Understand

Unfortunately, there are some men that don't feel making their significant others pregnancy easy will make it easier on them. I am not saying you have to bend over backwards I am saying that understanding a few things and being empathetic can go a long way. You never know being empathetic my turn to your favor. Women need emotional support at this time, not physical support.

Why Some Pregnant Women Are Not Sexually Intrigued
Lindsy: With my first child I was a scaredy cat. I wasn't sure what could happen if you had sex. My body was doing weird things, I felt I smelt weird and I didn't like the way my body looked. I pretty much went into a depression. How could someone want to have sex with this nasty thing (obviously someone otherwise I wouldn't be pregnant right?) Hormones probably didn't help either.

For some reason I was blessed with the ability to throw up. Imagine having sex and the urge to throw up. That's what I thought about every time my husband wanted to be intimate, so I would shy away. Sorry men, weird thoughts blow it for us.

Meat was another thing. When I saw my husbands "Meat" it made me want to gag just like chicken, beef or pork. The only "meat" I would eat was fish. No, I didn't even think about going the other way.

Why Pregnant Women Don't Feel Attractive
Lindsy: This kinda ties in with why I didn't feel sexually intrigued. I wasn't the skinniest thing when I got pregnant, and self esteem issues from before the pregnancy still haunted me. Now the weight is packing on my eating habits have changed. In the beginning this really bothered me. People thought I was packing on the weight and I got sick of telling people I was pregnant. I have to say by about the 5th month I was feeling good to the point I would let my big belly show.

Why Pregnant Women Always Seem Tired
Lindsy: Do you even have to ask? Hmmmm I work full time, come home and have to do house work. You can add this as another issue to not being sexually intrigued. You wouldn't believe the energy these little beings strip form you. Man, a Red Bull sounded so good at times.

Mood Swings


Pregnant women don't have mood swings =o)

There are some women out there whose emotions definitely change. I am not a crier. I didn't cry at my wedding, or my grandma and grandpa's funerals. I am just not a crier or an emotional person in general (unless you make me mad). If you know a woman who is like this and all of a sudden she is a crier, its the pregnancy. Maybe hormones play a big part in this, but if your significant other is blaming her emotions, that she normally doesn't have, on the pregnancy believe her. We are going through some weird changes and they are hard to handle, not only for you, but for us too.


Lindsy: Sickness Sucks! Some of us are born with the gift of gab others are born with the gift of throwing up!

You Say You Understand But You Don't

Lindsy: I know that's harsh, but its true. Just understand that you don't understand. Admitting that helps a great deal. Did I not mention empathy? being empathetic doesn't mean you have to understand. It means just being there for that person with hugs and compliments (even tough she might tear them down) makes a big difference.

1 comment:

Chayo78 said...

Why Some Pregnant Women Are Not Sexually Intrigued
Rosie: With my 1st pregnancy I was scared to have sex because I thought something would happen to the baby. I didn't feel sexual. With my 2nd pregnancy I was ok but still weired out.

Why Pregnant Women Don't Feel Attractive
Rosie: I just felt fat and my body felt different. My face felt fat and my body felt bloated including my breasts.

Why Pregnant Women Always Seem Tired
Rosie: I work full time, fight traffic to work and back going home and then to come home and clean and you want to sleep or at least relax and take naps.

Mood Swings
Rosie: I got all emotional while being pregnant. Before pregnancy nothing hurt me or made me sad or cry and then after I got pregnant and after I had kids my whole emtional state changed to always getting my feelings hurt or being over emotional.

Rosie: I didnt have morning sickness. I didnt have any sickness. I would forget I was pregnant except my stomach starting getting bigger and bigger and that reminded me I was pregnant.

You Say You Understand But You Don't
Rosie: There is no possible way a man can understand what a pregnant woman is going through unless they go through it themselves. Men have it easy. Try having something inside you grow for 9 months and you have to carry all the weight and watch how you eat and drink and meanwhile they get to go on life as normal.